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Volcano Hiker

My friends call me  "Di"

rhymes with:  


As in: "Hi, Di!"


As in: "Bye, Di!"

I grew up on the ocean. When I was 16, just before sunset I would walk to the beach with an anticipatory fervor; e e cummings poetry in one hand and a notebook in the other. I was alive in the world in a way I have not been able to find for nearly 20 years, but recently I may have found it. 


These past 18 months have been quite the roller coaster of failures and successes:


  • I discovered Dance.

In January 2024, I began learning a solo dance genre called Burly Q. It's like burlesque, jazz, hip hop, a fusion; it's incredible. I take group and private classes at Vega Dance Lab in Portland, and I am telling you this dance changed my life. It made me feel sexier than I've ever felt in my entire 35 years. It made me feel confident for the first time. I have always struggled with self-esteem, but I now fall in love with myself in new ways every day, which is new for me; it’s challenging and beautiful.


  • I discovered Addiction.

In December of 2022, my entire life took a massive nose dive when I was sexually assaulted, and I turned to alcohol to cope with the shame and guilt of that incident, after almost a year of already-too-heavy drinking.


  • I discovered Sobriety.

On December 20th, 2023 I quit alcohol and haven't looked back. I can confidently say I never want to be drunk again in my entire life. I intend to stay sober from alcohol for the most part (save a glass of champagne at a wedding toast for example or a wine pairing at a fancy restaurant on a very special occasion). As of this writing, I have been sober from alcohol for 88 days.



I have big feelings. They sometimes take up space and I’m ever learning how to let that be a superpower that I use wisely. 


Often I contemplate why we are all here on this planet; what we are doing to help each other every single day. I love people. I love learning about them,  exploring them and understanding how to be humans together, sharing the same air, standing on the same earth, creating community with one another. 


It took me over 14 months to renovate my kitchen but it is stunningly beautiful now!


I have a wall of books in my house.  Literally, it’s my Life’s Library. And if you caught the pun: let's hang out!


I’m a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at a non-profit primary care clinic and I love my job more than anything, except maybe Yoga. I’m also a yoga teacher. But, honestly “I don’t want to know what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.” -Oriah Dreamer


I live like Fire, move like Water, and think like Air. But what I need is Earth. I need grounding. And that’s where all my amazing friends and loves enter.


One of my great loves is writing. 

So here we are. 


Every month I will attempt to publish a blog post of some kind.


Join me on this journey of self-discovery!

Social Media

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Diana@ is not yet active but hopefully soon

Actual email that I will actually read, at least  until I am more well-versed at this stuff:

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